class Date - 16 Date Class class Date 2 Derivation 2 Public Members 2 Member Functions 4 Date::AddMonths 4 Date::AddWeeks 4 Date::AddYears 4 Date::BOM 5 Date::BOY 5 Date::CDOW 5 Date::CMonth 5 Date Comparison Operators 6 Date::Date 6 Date::Day 8 Date::DaysInMonth 8 Date::DOY 8 Date::EOM 8 Date::eom 9 Date::EOY 9 Date::FirstDOM() 9 Date::formatDate 9 Date::getDate 10 Date Holiday Constructors 10 Date::isLeapYear 11 Date::isDST 11 Date::julDate 11 Date::NDOW 12 Date::NMonth 12 Date::NYear4 12 Date::operator << 12 Date::operator const char * 13 Date::operator +,- 13 Date::operators +=, -= 13 Date::operators ++, -- 14 Date::Set 14 Date::setCentury 14 Date::setDST 15 Date::setFormat 15 Date::setSTD 15 Date::setOption 15 Date::WOM 16 Date::WOY 16 class Date A Date object represents absolute dates. It allows conversion to and from a selection of ASCII representations, and a complete set of arithmetic operations. Date values are based on the number of days since 4713BCE. Derivation The Date class was not designed for derivation. Because there are no virtual functions, the size of Date object is exactly 12 bytes, assuming a compiler making shorts 2 bytes, and longs 4 bytes. Public Members Construction/ Destruction Date Creates Date objects in various ways. NewYearsDay Creates a Date object the PresidentsDay represent the listed holiday. ValentinesDay, (static member functions) etc. BOM, EOM, BOY, Create Date objects that EOY represents the first & final days of the month & year in which the given Date object falls. Extraction CDOW Returns as a Character string the day of the Week that this Date object represents. ('Sunday' .. 'Saturday') CMonth Returns as a character string the month that is Date object represents ("January"... "December" Day Returns the day of the month that this Date object represents. DaysInMonth Returns the number of days in the month of this Date object. (28..31) DOY Returns as an integer the relative date since Jan. 1 FirstDOM Returns as an integer the day of the week of the first day of the month in which this Date object falls. julDate Returns Julian date (days since 4713BCE) as a long. NDOW Returns as a integer the day of the week that this Date object represents (1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday) NMonth Returns as an integer the month that this Date object represents. NYear4 Returns as an integer the year this Date object represents. WOM Returns the Week Of Month (1..6) this Date falls in. WOY Returns the Week Of Year (1..52) this Date object falls in. Conversion getDate Returns as an MSDOS date_t structure, the date represented by the Date object. eom Returns as an MSDOS date_t, the last day of month this Date object represents. Operators operator +,- Adds and subtracts days (given as ints or longs) to Date objects. operator - Subtracts one Date object from another returning as a long, the number of days between them. operator +=, -= Adds & subtracts a number of days to and from this Date object. operator ++, -- Pre- & postfix incrementor & decrementor, alters Date object by one day. operator==,<, Compares two absolute Dates. etc. Operations AddMonths Adds months to the Date Object (adjusts year as required) AddWeeks Adds weeks to the Date Object. AddYears Adds years to the Date Object. isLeapYear() Returns true if leap year, false if not Set Full set of functions to set an existing Date object to a new value (to complement the set of constructors) isDST returns true if in Daylight Saving Time, false if not. Archive/Dump operator << Outputs a Date object to a ostream object. Member Functions Date::AddMonths Syntax Date &AddMonths( int nCount =1); Parameters nCount Indicates the number of months to add. Remarks This function allows you to add (or subtract, if nCount is negative) months to a Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("01/15/93"); d1.AddMonths(3); assert( d1 == Date("04/15/93")); Date::AddWeeks Syntax Date &AddWeeks( int nCount =1); Parameters nCount Indicates the number of weeks to add. Remarks This function allows you to add (or subtract, if nCount is negative) weeks to a Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("01/15/93"); d1.AddWeeks(3); assert( d1 == Date("02/05/93")); Date::AddYears Syntax Date &AddYears( int nCount =1); Parameters nCount Indicates the number of years to add. Remarks This function allows you to add (or subtract, if nCount is negative) years to a Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("01/15/93"); d1.AddYears(3); assert( d1 == Date("01/15/96")); Date::BOM Syntax inline Date BOM(void) const; Remarks Returns a new Date object which represents the first day of the month of this Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("07/04/93"); Date d2 = d1.BOM(); assert(d2 == Date("07/01/93")); Date::BOY Syntax inline Date BOY(void) const; Remarks Returns a new Date object which represents the first day of the year of this Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("07/04/93"); Date d2 = d1.BOY(); assert(d2 == Date("01/01/93")); Date::CDOW Syntax inline const char *CDOW(void) const Remarks Returns a pointer to a string holding the day of the week ('Sunday'..'Saturday'). Note: That all calls to CDOW, as well as CMonth and formatDate share a common buffer, and subsequent calls overwrite previous strings. Example Date d1 = Date("09/01/1993"); assert(strcmp(d1.CDOW(), "Wednesday") == 0); Date::CMonth Syntax inline const char * CMonth() const; Remarks Returns a pointer to a string holding the name of the month of this Date object ('January'...'December'). Note: That all calls to CMonth, as well as CDOW and formatDate share a common buffer, and subsequent calls overwrite previous strings. Example Date d1 = Date("09/01/1993"); assert(strcmp(d1.CMonth(), "September")==0); Date Comparison Operators Syntax inline int operator < (const Date &date) const; inline int operator <= (const Date &date) const; inline int operator > (const Date &date) const; inline int operator >= (const Date &date) const; inline int operator == (const Date &date) const; inline int operator != (const Date &date) const; Remarks These operators compare two absolute dates and return TRUE if the condition is true; otherwise FALSE. Example Date d1 = Date("Today"); Date d2 = d1 + 30; // 30 days later. assert( d1 != d2); assert( d1 < d2); assert( d1<=d2); Date::Date Syntax Date(); Date ( int nMonth, int nDay, int nYear ); Date ( long lJulian); Date (const char * szDate); Date (const Date & dtDateSrc); Date (const tm & TM); Date (int nWeeknum, int nDow, int nMonth, int nYear); Date (const DOSDATE_T &ds); Parameters dtDateSrc Indicates a Date object which already exists nMonth, nDay, nYear Indicates month, day of month, and year. lJulian Indicates the number of days from 2714BCE. szDate Indicates a character string containing a formatted date. nWeeknum, nDOW Indicates the week number of the month, and the day of the week. TM Indicates a TM struct value. ds Indicates a MSDOS date struct value. Remarks All these constructor create a new Date object initialized with the specified absolute date. Each constructor is described below: Date(); Constructs a new Date object with a zero (illegal) date. Note Zero is an invalid date. This constructor is provided to allow the definition of Date object arrays. You should initialize such arrays with valid dates prior to use. Date (const Date & dtDateSrc); Constructs a Date object from another Date value. Date ( int nMonth, int nDay, int nYear ); Constructs a Date object from the given components, with each component constraint to the following ranges: Component Range nYear -4713 - 9999 nMonth 1-12 or one of the Months enums (JANUARY, FEBRUARY etc.) nDay 1-31 Date (int nWeeknum, int nDow, int nMonth, int nYear); Constructs a Date object from the given components, with each component constraint to the following ranges: Component Range nWeeknum 0-5 nDOW 1-7 or one of the Wday enums (SUNDAY, MONDAY, etc.) nYear -4713 - 9999 nMonth 1-12 or one of the Months enums (JANUARY, FEBRUARY etc.) This constructor allows you to build a Date object which is, for example, "The third Wednesday in March, 1993". If nWeeknum is Zero (0), the object created will be the date of the last weekday of that type in the month. Date (const char * szDate); Constructs a Date object from a character string. The string may be in any of the following formats: (These are also the formats in which a Date can be output.) The constructor will determine which format it is. "09/05/1993" "5 Sep 93" "Sun Sept 5, 1993" "Sunday September 5, 1993" Leading zeros and the century are allowed but not required on all the above formats. If the century is missing, the date is assumed to be in the 1900s. "19930905" "Today" or "." These last two formats set the Date object to todays date. The word "Today" is not case sensitive. The period format (".") was added to ease manual data entry. Date (const tm & TM); Constructs a Date object from a tm type. Date (const DOSDATE_T &ds); Constructs a Date object from a MSDOS dosdate_t type. Examples Date date1(10,30,1962); // October 30, 1962 Date date2(Date::OCTOBER, 30, 1962); // same Date date3 = "8/8/88"; // August 9, 1988 Date date4(2450000L); // From a Julian Date date5(2,Date::SUNDAY,Date::MAY, 1993); // 2nd Sunday in May Date::Day Syntax inline int Day(void) const; Remarks Returns the day of the month, in the range 1 through 31. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); assert(d1.Day() == 11); Date::DaysInMonth Syntax unsigned int DaysInMonth(void) const ; Remarks Returns the number of days in the month of this Date object, in the range 1 to 31. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); assert(d1.DaysInMonth() == 30); Date::DOY Syntax int DOY(void) const; Remarks Returns the number of days since Jan. 1 for this Date object, in the range 1 to 366. Example Date d1("02/15/1993"); assert(d1.DOY() == 46); Date::EOM Syntax inline Date EOM(void) const; Remarks Returns a new Date object which represents the last day of the month of this Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("07/04/93"); Date d2 = d1.EOM(); assert(d2 == Date("07/31/93")); Date::eom Syntax DOSDATE_T eom(void) const; Remarks Returns a DOSDATE struct containing a decomposition of the date of the last day of the month contained in this Date object. Note This function may only be available with MSDOS based compilers. See the note for getDate for structure layout. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); DOSDATE_T ddt; ddt = d1.eom(); assert( == 30); Date::EOY Syntax inline Date EOY(void) const; Remarks Returns a new Date object which represents the last day of the year of this Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("07/04/93"); Date d2 = d1.EOY(); assert(d2 == Date("12/31/93")); Date::FirstDOM() Syntax inline int FirstDOM() const ; Remarks Returns the numeric code indicating the day of the week the first day of the month of this date object falls, in the range 1 through 7, where Sunday is 1. These correspond to the enum Wday values. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); assert(d1.FirstDOM() == Date::WEDNESDAY); Date::formatDate Syntax char * formatDate( int nType = DisplayFormat) const; Parameters nType One of the format_type enum. If nType is not given, it defaults to the current setting of the DisplayFormat class variable, which is initialized to MDY, but can be changes with the class function setFormat. Remarks The following values yield the indicated formats: MDY "9/5/1993" DAY "Sunday" MONTH "September" FULL "Sunday, September 5, 1993" EUROPEA "5 September 1993" N COLLATE "19930905" Setting the Display options to DATE_ABBR and/or NO_CENTURY will affect the appearance of the above formats, except for COLLATE. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); const char *p = d1.formatDate(Date::FULL); assert(strcmp(p, "Saturday, September 11, 1993")==0); p = d1.formatDate(Date::COLLATE); assert(strcmp(p, "19930911")==0); Date::setFormat(Date::EUROPEAN); p = d1.formatDate(); assert(strcmp(p, "11 September 1993")==0); Date::getDate Syntax DOSDATE_T getDate() const; Remarks Returns a DOSDATE_T struct that contains the decomposition of the date contained in this Date object. Note The actual name and location of DOSDATE_T is implementation defined, and the structure and function may only available with MSDOS based compilers. The members are as follows: Field Value stored _ day Day of the month: (1-31) month Month of the year: (1-12) year Year: (0-119 relative to 1980) dayofweek Day of the week: 0-6 (Sunday is 0) Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); DOSDATE_T ddt; ddt = d1.getDate(); assert( == 11); Date Holiday Constructors Syntax static Date::NewYearsDay(int nYear); static Date::PresidentsDay(int nYear); static Date::ValentinesDay(int nYear); static Date::StPatricksDay(int nYear); static Date::MothersDay(int nYear); static Date::MemorialDay(int nYear); static Date::FlagDay(int nYear); static Date::FathersDay(int nYear); static Date::CanadaDay(int nYear); static Date::IndependenceDay(int nYear); static Date::BastilleDay(int nYear); static Date::LaborDay(int nYear); static Date::VeteransDay(int nYear); static Date::ThanksgivingDay(int nYear); static Date::ChristmasDay(int nYear); Parameters nYear The year in which the Date represented by the new object is to fall. Remarks Returns a Date object represent the date of the holiday. Example Date d = Date::PresidentsDay(1993); assert(d == Date("02/15/1993")); Date::isLeapYear Syntax bool isLeapYear(void) const; Remarks Returns true if the year represented by this Date object is a leap year, false if not. Example Date d("09/11/1993"); assert(d.isLeapYear() == false); Date::isDST Syntax bool Date::isDST( void ) const Remarks Returns true if the date represented by this Date object is within Daylight Savings Time. Example Date d(Date::JULY, 4, 1993); assert(d.isDST == true); Date::julDate Syntax inline long julDate() const; Remarks Returns the Julian date (the number of days since 1/1/4713BC). Example Date d(Date::JULY, 4, 1993); assert(d.julDate() == 2449172); Date::NDOW Syntax inline int NDOW(void) const; Remarks Returns the numeric code indicating the day of the week this date object falls, in the range 1 through 7, where Sunday is 1. These correspond to the enum Wday values. Example Date d=Date(Date::SEPTEMBER, 11,1993); assert(d.NDOW() == 7); assert(d.NDOW() == Date::SATURDAY); Date::NMonth Syntax inline int NMonth(void) const; Remarks Return the months in the range 1 through 12. These correspond to the enum Months. Example Date d("09/11/1993"); assert(d.NMonth() == 9); Date::NYear4 Syntax inline int NYear4() const; Remarks Returns the year, in the range -4713 through 9999. Example Date d1= "Today"; assert( (d1.NYear4() >= 1993) && ( d1.NYear4() <=2000) ); Date::operator << Syntax friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, const Date &dDate); friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, const DOSDATE_T &ddt); friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, enum format_type ft); Remarks Outputs the formatted Date object to the ostream object. Format is based on the current default setting, and can be changed by Date::setFormat, or by outputing the format type. An output operator is also provided for the non-class DOSDATE_T structure. Example Date d1="Today"; cout << "Today is " << Date::EUROPEAN << d1 << endl; Date::operator const char * Syntax operator const char *( void ); Remarks This casting operator provides an efficient method to access a NULL-terminated character string representing the Date object. No characters are copied,; only a pointer is returned. The appearance of the string is based on the current format established by Date::setFormat. The default is MDY. Note The buffer whose address is returned by this operator is shared by all Date objects and used by CDOW, CMonth and formatDate, and subsequent calls overwrite previous strings. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); Date::setFormat(Date::FULL); assert(strcmp(d1, "Saturday, September 11, 1993")==0); Date::operator +,- Syntax inline Date Date::operator + (long lDays) const; inline Date Date::operator + (int nDays) const; inline Date Date::operator - (long lDays) const; inline Date Date::operator - (int nDays) const; inline long Date::operator - (const Date &date) const; Remarks The first four operators allow you to add and subtract days from Date objects. The fifth allows you to subtract one Date object from another yields a long giving the number of days. Example Date d1 = Date("08/15/1993"); Date d2 = d1 + 13; // 13 days later. assert( d2 == Date("08/28/1993")); Date::operators +=, -= Syntax Date &operator += (long lDays); Date &operator -= (long lDays); Remarks These operators allow you to add and subtract a number of days to and from this Date object. Example Date d1 = Date("08/15/1993"); d1 += 10; // 10 days later. assert( d1 == Date("08/25/1993")); assert( d1 < d2); assert( d1<=d2); Date::operators ++, -- Syntax Date operator ++ (); Date operator ++ (int nDays); Date operator -- (); Date operator -- (int nDays); Remarks Pre- and Post-fix auto-increment operators. Allow you to step the Date object one day at a time. Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); Date d2("09/12/1993"); assert( d1 ++ < d2); assert(d1 == d2); Date::Set Syntax Date &Set(void); Date &Set(long lJulian); Date &Set(unsigned int nMonth, unsigned int nDay, unsigned int nYear); Date &Set(int nWeeknum, int nDow, short nMonth, short nYear); Remarks These correspond to the constructors, and allow you to change the value of any existing Date object. Example Date d1, d2, d3; d1.Set(); // Today's date. d2.Set(Date::JANUARY, 15, 1975); d3.Set(3, Date::SATURDAY, Date::JANUARY, 1987); Date::setCentury Syntax static int setCentury(short nCentury); Parameters nCentury The new default century value. Remarks Allows you do change the century assumed when translating a date with a 2 digit year. The normal default value is "1900". nCentury must be either a multiple of 100, or in the range 1 to 99. In the later case, it is multiple by 100 by setCentury before it's used. Example Date::setCentury(1800); Date d1("9/11/93"); assert(d1 == Date("09/11/1893")); Date::setDST Syntax bool Date::setDST(unsigned nMonth, unsigned nDay) const Remarks Sets the date inwhich Daylight Savings Time is assumed to begin. isDST() will return true for any Date object from the Sunday before this date. Returns false if the month or day given were invalid. Defaults to the dates for North America. Example Date::setDST(Date::APRIL, 30); Date::setFormat Syntax inline static void setFormat (enum format_type nFormat); Parameters nFormat A value from the format_type enum. Remarks Allows you to change the default format used by formatDate and operator const *. Must be one of the following: Value Example _ MDY "9/5/1993" DAY "Sunday" MONTH "September" FULL "Sunday, September 5, 1993" EUROPEAN "5 September 1993" COLLATE "19930905" Example Date d1("09/11/1993"); Date::setFormat(Date::FULL); assert(strcmp(d1, "Saturday, September 11, 1993")==0); Date::setSTD Syntax bool Date::setSTD(unsigned nMonth, unsigned nDay) const Remarks Sets the date inwhich Daylight Savings Time is assumed to end. isDST() will return false for any Date object from the Sunday before this date. Returns false if the month or day given were invalid. Defaults to the dates for North America. Example Date::setDST(Date::OCTOBER, 30); Date::setOption Syntax static bool setOption (enum Options nOption, int nAction=ON); Parameters nOption A value from the enum Options. nAction Either ON or OFF. Remarks Allows you to modify the formatting options, for the class. nOption must be one of the following: Value Action _ NO_CENTURY Years are formatting uses only 2 digits. DATE_ABBR Month & Day of week names are abbreviated to 3 letters Example Date::setOption(Date::DATE_ABBR); Date::setFormat(Date::FULL); Date d1 = "9/11/1993"; assert(strcmp(d1.formatDate(), "Sat, Sep 11, 1993")==0); Date::setOption(Date::NO_CENTURY,Date::ON); assert(strcmp(d1.formatDate(), "Sat, Sep 11, 93")==0); Date::WOM Syntax int WOM(void) const; Remarks Return the numeric week of the month, in the range 1 through 6. Example Date d1 = "09/12/1993"; assert(d1.WOM() == 3); Date::WOY Syntax int WOY(void) const; Remarks Returns the numeric week of the year, in the range 1 through 52. Example Date d1 = "02/15/1993"; assert(d1.WOY() == 7);